Perfect for couples, as well as other relationship dynamics. Are you experiencing disconnection, anger, or loneliness? Do things just not feel like they used to? Learn tangible strategies to use at home and rebuild your friendship.

relationship dynamics

Relationships involve work. When the relationship isn’t functioning as expected, feels “old” or “stale,” involves a lot of stress or, there is a rupture in the relationship, couples often want to repair the relationship immediately - they want to “fix it.” Like cars, relationships require regular maintenance - often with the help of a licensed professional - to keep them running well. 

relationships involve work

no matter what

Many people have heard the name Gottman thrown around in the context of relationships and communication, but the actual Gottman Method is a very well research-based therapeutic and structured model to treat couples who are experiencing challenges in communication. 

the gottman method of couples' therapy

It is ironic that one of the most natural of human behaviors is also one of the least communicated about in relationships. Perhaps shame and guilt is attached to your experience of sex or, you and your partner have simply lost your way in terms of communicating about sex and intimacy.  

intimacy, connection & sex

Let’s be honest, if you’re looking for couples therapy, you’ve probably heard it referenced more times than you’d like to remember! The thing is, communication is the cornerstone to healthy relationships, and effective communication can often lead to greater intimacy, whether that be physical or emotional. 

effective communication

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